Yunhyeong Ikon. “Member iKON Kim Jinhwan Song Yunhyeong dan Kim Donghyuk dinyatakan positif COVID19 hari ini Minggu (23/1) Pada 22 Januari mereka merasakan gejala seperti flu Kemudian mereka menjalani tes COVID19 mandiri dan hasilnya positif” ungkap YG Entertainment “Setelahnya seluruh member iKON menunda semua jadwal dan menjalani tes.
Team Ikon Yunhyeong Ikon Mobile Update 200903 Facebook from Facebook
Fans and nonfans found the whole interaction insensitive and called iKON out on Twitter for their remarks Those who knew Korean explained that there had been a mistranslation Junhoe meant to say that he wanted to experience the scenery and the atmosphere and not the politics However there are no mistranslations for Yunhyeong and Chanwoo who joked “I think.
Ada Lagi Idol KPop Positif Covid19, Kali Ini Personel iKON!
Just In iKON‘s Jinhwan Yunhyeong & Donghyuk test positive for COVID 19 Group temporarily halts activities THROWBACK When Sandara Park spilled the details about her exit from YG Entertainment.
Dear Oppa: Indian fan recalls how she fell in love with
Anggota iKON Kim Jinhwan Song Yunhyeong dan Kim Donghyuk didiagnosis positif COVID19 hari ini (23 Januari) Pada 22 Januari mereka mengalami gejala flu ringan sehingga mereka menggunakan alat tes mandiri COVID19 untuk mengetes diri mereka sendiri dan hasil awalnya positif Setelah itu semua anggota iKON segera menghentikan kegiatan yang.
iKON’s Junhoe slammed by fans for willing to experience
iKON’s Junhoe and TREASURE’s Yoshi have been diagnosed with COVID19 On January 23 iKON members Jinhwan Yunhyeong and Donghyuk tested positive for the virus and the day after that WINNER.
Team Ikon Yunhyeong Ikon Mobile Update 200903 Facebook
Jinhwan, Yunhyeong dan Donghyuk iKON Positif Covid19
B.I (rapper) Wikipedia
Tiga Member Positif Covid19, iKON Tunda Aktivitas
iKON Members, Ages, Trivia Famous Birthdays
DKI Jakarta Terbanyak, Ini Sebaran 213 Kasus COVID19 RI
iKON’s Junhoe And TREASURE’s Yoshi Test Positive For COVID
Jinhwan, Yunhyeong, dan Donghyuk iKON Positif COVID19!
Gejala Covid19 yang Dialami Jinhwan Yunhyeong dan Donghyuk iKON detikNews Tiga Kecamatan di Kota Bandung Nihil Kasus COVID19 detikNews 3000 Dosis Vaksin Disebar untuk Pelajar SD di Pangandaran detikFinance Tren Bisnis Furniture Custom Bertahan di Masa Pandemi detikNews Mobil Gunner Spray Kembali Beraksi Cegah Omicron di Ibu Kota MOST.