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Obesity is a major risk factor for this age group|A common myth about type 2 diabetes is that it can be “reversed” Type 2 diabetes is a genetic condition or predisposition that doesn’t change with treatment If a type 2 diabetes patient’s elevated blood sugar levels return to normal in response to treatment (typically dietary changes exercise and/or medication) it means the.
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DFUs are a major factor leading to lower leg amputations among the diabetic population in the decrease of placental transfer ketones and increased expression of the glucose transporter GLUT1 in this period explain the dominant inhibitory effect of ketogenic diet on fetus growth in the second half of pregnancy which in their opinion also indicates that glucose is essential for.
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The hospital provider should obtain a detailed record of the type of insulin formulation and the pump settings on admission including basal rate/rates the carbohydrate ratio (grams of carbohydrate for 1 unit of insulin) and the correction or sensitivity factor Clear physician’s orders with specifics on the type of diet frequency of pointofcare glucose testing basal rate bolus.