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PT Surya Nusantara Sentosa signed a contract with them to provide all the tools the training center needs and in return Bayu offers all its graduates jobs with his company PT Surya Nusantara Sentosa’s salaries are 10% higher than the standard minimum salary in Indonesia In addition Bayu does not limit the employees’ monthly bonus salary If they work hard and show.
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PT Mulia Lestari produces high quality knitting products with ongoing innovation that put our products ahead of the competition in both local and international market As a result PT Mulia Lestari has now earned itself the trusted and well known position in the textile knitting industry In 1998 PT Mulia Lestari managed to achieve the “OEKOTEX class I” standard for all of its.
I have information PT Limas Mulya Sentosa I know about the company and want to contribute information Next Information about PT Limas Mulya Sentosa provided by users PT Limas Mulya Sentosa A limited liability company in Indonesia Product information Order uptodate official report of PT Limas Mulya Sentosa verified by the Ministry of Law And Human Rights.
Supplier Profile of PT. MULIA JAYA SENTOSA INDAH Top
PTSanlie Mulia Sentosa in Jawa Barat PT Sanlie Mulia Sentosa adalah anak perusahaan dan distributor untuk PT Yolita Jaya Indonesia pemilik Jas Hujan merk Tiger Head.
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Sentosa PT. Samudera Prima
PT. MULYA BANGUN SENTOSA by yuli aetyawan
Sentosa was established since 2000. A PT. Sanlie Mulia
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PT. ASRI MULYA SENTOSA Kab. Cilacap Info Lengkap
Company Name PTMULYA BANGUN SENTOSA Address Jl Raya lingkar Selatan ( Blok Lio No9 ) Ds Margasari Kec Tigaraksa Kab Tangerang Banten Indonesia OTHERS ACTIVITIES Email Phone basswall2002@yahoocom Engineering – PTMBS 1.