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Prima Freshmart adalah specialty store (toko khusus) yang menjual bahan makanan segar Ponorogo Terkini IndonesiaSingapura Sepakati Perjanjian Ekstradisi Ciptakan Efek Gentar para Koruptor dan Teroris 28 Januari 2022 0631 WIB Sinar Jateng Meski Menang 41 Atas Timor Leste Shin Taeyong Kecewa dengan Performa Timnas 28 Januari 2022 0631.
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Kota Kediri Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Emping production is a home industry with emping traditionally handmade in a laborintensive process The melinjo seeds are sauteed in a medium fire without oil or sometimes using sand as a media Some people boil the melinjo seeds to ease the peeling process Both the softer outer skin and the harder inner skin of the seeds are peeled off by hand.
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