Lirik Call Away. Merdekacom Judul One CallAway I'm only one callaway I'll be there to save the day Superman got nothing on me I'm only one callawayCall me baby if you need a friend I just wanna give you love C'mon c'mon c'mon Reaching out to you so take a chance No matter where you go You know you're not alone I'm only one callaway I.
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I'm only one callaway I'll be there to save the day Superman got nothing on me I'm only one callaway And when you're weak I'll be strong I'm gonna keep holding on Now don't you worry it won't be long Darling and when you feel like hope is gone Just run into my arms I'm only one callaway I'll be there to save the day Superman got nothing.
Lirik Lagu One Call Away Charlie Puth
I'm only one call awayCall me baby if you need a friend I just wanna give you love C'mon c'mon c'mon Reaching out to you so take a chance No matter where you go Know you're not alone I'm only one call away I'll be there to save the day Superman got nothing on me I'm only one call away Come along with me and don't be scared I just wanna.
Charlie Puth One Call Away Lyrics
I'm only one callaway Aku selalu dekat denganmu I'll be there to save the day Aku akan berada di sisimu untuk mencarikan jalan keluar Superman got nothing on me Superman tak ada apaapanya dibandingkanku I'm only one callaway Aku selalu dekat denganmu Call me baby if you need a friend Panggil aku sayang bila kau membutuhkan seorang teman I just wanna give you love Aku hanya ingin.
Lirik Lagu One Call Away dan Terjemahan Charlie Puth
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Charlie Puth Lirik Lagu One Call Away
One Call Away Charlie Puth (Lyrics) YouTube
One Call Away Lyrics I'm only one call away / I'll be there to save the day / Superman got nothing on me / I'm only one call away / Call me baby if you need a friend / I just wanna give you.