Fenite. fenite Definition from Wiktionary the free dictionary Jump to navigation Jump to search English Noun English Wikipedia has an article on fenite Wikipedia fenite (plural fenites) A metasomatic rock often containing carbonatite intrusions Derived terms .

Alkali metasomatic aureoles termed fenites are common around carbonatites as bodies of carbonatite expel alkalirich fluids as they cool and crystallize Such fluids metasomatize country rock removing silica and adding alkalis (Na 2 O + K 2 O) (Le Bas 2008 Elliott et al 2018 ).
Fenite Wikipedia
Fenites surround the carbonatitebiotitite central core developed by sodium and potassium metasomatism of the surrounding granite gneiss amphibolite and hornblende schist.
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e The finite element method ( FEM) is a popular method for numerically solving differential equations arising in engineering and mathematical modeling Typical problem areas of interest include the traditional fields of structural analysis heat transfer fluid flow mass transport and electromagnetic potential.
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Fenites associated with review carbonatite complexes: A
in carbonatitederived REE and Th Enrichment of heavy
Finite Element Method
fenite Wiktionary
Quantifying metasomatic highfieldstrength and rareearth
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PDF fileThe fenite replaces or transects all the above rock types and is superimposed on both the unaltered and retrograde minerals A “silicate assemblage” characterizes most of the specimens listed in Table l It is composed of major amounts of Napyribole lesser albite and substan tial quantities of phlogopite.