Delphi Panel Transparent. How to create a transparent TPanel Answer Solve 1 Particularly note the SetParent bit It works even with movement It should even work in Delphi 1 as it doesn't use the Win32 nonrectangularwindow method for creating transparency The code is simple so can be easily retrofitted to any control that you wished were transparent.
How To Make A Pdf From Delphi C Builder Lazarus Fast Reports from Fast Reports
If you have Delphi 2005 or above there is an easier way if you can live with a solution that only works on XP and Vista enable themes for your application and the panel will become transparent by default This is controlled by the ParentBackground property (new in D2005)Peter Below (TeamB) Don't be a vampire (slash7com/pages/vampires).
FireMonkey Panel tricks – Panel Color and Transparent Panels
Anyway to paint a panel with transparent color you should override its Paint method draw it there to the buffer bitmap repaint a part of the Parent window and then Copy this BitMap to the main.
Delphi Knowledge Base: How to create a transparent TPanel
Use this FireMonkey panel trick to change the color of a Delphi FireMonkey panel or make a FireMonkey panel transparent I have seen some complex solutions to achieve this but this is really quite easy to do You just need one line of code Change the panel color (Panel1Controls[0] as TShape)FillColor = TAlphaColorRecRed.
Transparent TPanel delphi
4 This answer is not useful Show activity on this post Create a component and override the Paint method and a few other things There are no borders or caption but it is a functional Panel Any components inside will also need to be made transparent Good luck.
How To Make A Pdf From Delphi C Builder Lazarus Fast Reports
How to make a TPanel transparent?
How to make transparent panel? delphi
delphi TPanel Transparent Stack Overflow
Board index » delphi » How to make transparentpanel? Albert Goodwil Delphi Developer Sun 10 Mar 2002 030000 GMT How to make transparentpanel?.