Android Studio Videoview Full Screen. Hi I get many requests from you asking how to play a video on fullscreen mode in an android app In this video I am going to give you my solution that I h Video Duration 4 minViews 44KAuthor Sandip Bhattacharya.
Android Videoview Journaldev from
Example of VideoView with SeekBar Add the following dependency to your app module's buildgradle file You have to add the required icons and background images for the video player application In the activity_videoxml file we have used RecyclerView to display video files Create another layout video_listxml to display the video list.
VideoView Full Screen in Android Application
VideoView v = (VideoView) findViewById(RidvideoView_intro) vsetVideoURI(Uriparse(“androidresource//”+getPackageName()+”/”+Rrawintro)) DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics() getWindowManager()getDefaultDisplay()getMetrics(metrics) vsetLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(metricswidthPixels metricsheightPixels)) vstart().
android VideoView does not fill the entire screen Stack
when you want to open a video in full screen for that Activity you have to set the theme attribute in the Manifest set this value that is androidtheme=”@androidstyle/ThemeNoTitleBarFullscreen” change theme programmatically here Second Method create another fullscreenxml like below and setContentView(Rlayoutfullscreen) on click of the button.
Android Videoview Journaldev
in android application VideoView Full screen Stack Overflow
android Make Video play in landscape and full screen
VideoView in Android Studio Play Video Fullscreen YouTube
getStringExtra(“fullScreenInd”) if(“y”equals(isFullScreen)){ fullScreensetImageResource(Rdrawableic_fullscreen_exit) }else{ fullScreensetImageResource(Rdrawableic_fullscreen) } //add listener to image button to handle full screen and exit full screen events fullScreensetOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(getContext()Video1class) if(“y”equals(isFullScreen)){ intentputExtra(“fullScreenInd” “”) }else.